Sunday, 3 March 2013

Holy Fire

For those of you that don't know, and for this you should be ashamed of yourselves, Foal's released a new album this year and all I can say is; pretty much amazing. It was really hard for me to censor that sentence for words unfit for virgin ears.

Holy Fire is out-selling both the soundtrack for Les Miserables and Fleetwood Mac's re-issue of Rumours.

They also entered the British charts #1, so a virtual high five goes out to the Brits for their impeccable taste in music (also, thank you for The Arctic Monkeys).

I'm not going to review the entire album, because ain't nobody got time for that (folks, there's your internet reference for the day) but in a nutshell though, Holy Fire is a record that bursts out of your speakers and demands your love.

'Providence' is a track that will lodge itself in your Most Played playlist on your iTunes almost instantly and will most likely stay there for the rest of eternity I'm afraid.

'Inhaler' is a slow build but with a Yannis falsetto which suddenly explodes Holy Fire into the stratosphere.

I actually hadn't heard 'Moon' until today, when a friend recommended it, but it is like an excursion into twinkling, nighttime ambiance so fragile you hardly take a breath for the whole five minutes.

So there's what you needed to know about music you should be listening to.

Love Always,


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