Monday, 11 March 2013

An Ode to South African Music

Something that I hear quite often is how shit the South African music scene is and that's fine. but you my friends are wrong and probably smell weird. As an avid attender of gigs and general South African music lover, I am here to prove you wrong, so here we go; 

If you like your music beautiful and with a healthy dose of innovation then look no further than Dear Reader, for you will find this and a bit more.

Dear Reader's song Great White Bear, everything from the acoustic intro to the strangely mesmerising lyrics about a boy hiding in the stomach of a bear is near enough flawless. So oddly brilliant.

Haezer is on top of his game with his electronic-beat-freak melodies, and I'm not sure if it's really his music or his ability to hype up a crowd that gets me going, but I've never attended a Haezer gig that I didn't love.

Gangs of Ballet is a band that seems to receive a lot of harsh criticism and I'm not all too sure why. In my personal opinion, they're electric, epic and of an international standard. Disagree? No one cares.

This will be a reoccurring segment up on this here blog, so keep an eye out or don't, whatever, your loss.

You're welcome.
Love Always,


  1. Great White Bear best song everrr :D I'd love to see Dear Reader live!

    Another cool SA band - December Streets :)

  2. I saw Dear Reader and Gangs of Ballet live last year and it was just so so amazing! Both times I took some friends along who hadn't heard their music (shocking, I know) and it was incredible seeing their faces when I told them that the bands were actually local :)
