Monday, 19 January 2015

Tracks of the Weeks

So, I kind of just realized that it's been two weeks and no track of the week. Which is crazy, like how has it already been two weeks?! Time is fucking nuts.

Anyway, this just means a double dose.

I've had my mind on something for awhile. More accurately; someone. I think sometimes we take people for granted, not like you treat them badly, you just don't realise that they mean something, like they're not necessarily a huge part of your life but as soon they're gone, you're like what the fuck? I'm an idiot, you' are so important, you are so integral to my being, I fucking miss you.

So that's my head at the moment, therefore here are the two tracks of the week:

Bright Eyes - Lover I Don't Have To Love 

Ryan Hemsworth - Snow in Newark (with Dawn Golden) 

I think they both speak for themselves. 

Love always, 

Friday, 2 January 2015

Track of the Week

Hello Internet hombres!

Firstly, I would like to wish you all a happy new year! Yay 2015. Love, light, blah blah ❤️

Secondly, here is your track of the week...

I had a lot of songs in mind for this week, and for some reason all of them, how do I put this politely... are fucking depressing. So, so wonderful but depressing none the less and I am not here to dim your new year glow.

But then it hit me, I listened to this song earlier today and it's just the right mix of chill and happy that is needed to begin a new year.

JUST LISTEN OKAY..... I'll wait.


This isn't really what I'm used to reviewing, so bare with me please. Uniquely spare on vocals (as in this is the first song I've ever posted without vocals - diversity, yay) yet somehow manages to remain rich. It's pretty contemporary in it's playfulness but comes across as something not from this time. It kept me interested in a hypnotic sort of way, I think the best way to describe it is as an ethereal experience.

Reminder: new genre, I tried, sorry if I just sounded like an ignorant twat.

Love always,